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Resilience Zone - Health and Wellbeing

Each Resilience Zone group contains 6-8 business owners from the same sector but in different roles. This makes it easy for us to support each other without being in direct competition. Members of our Health and Wellbeing Zone operate small businesses with a turnover less than £500,000, and up to 5 employees.

Each month we meet via Zoom and share ideas, experience and expertise. Every member has the opportunity to share their current state of play, before two selected members bring a particularly gnarly problem to the table, and we collectively help them come up with solutions. Finally, we have a Learning Zone, that will help you to better run your business.

Read more about Resilience Zone here:

8 December

Find Your Path: Reshape Your Business For A Recession

13 January

Show Me The Money! A Guide to Funding Options for New Businesses